- Little Rock School District
- Special Programs Home
Welcome to Special Programs
The mission of the Division of Special Programs is to assure that all students with unique educational challenges will attain academic, social, and emotional growth through a stimulating, challenging, and diverse curriculum in partnership with family, school, and community, therefore promoting acceptance and friendship.
The mission statements encompass the promise of full educational opportunity for students with disabilities as mandated by federal and state legislation. They include the expectation that students with special needs will participate in the regular program as much as it is profitable for them and that professional support and resources will be available to help these students and the school's staff.
The mission is accomplished by the provision of child find activities, evaluation, services, and a full continuum of programs and related services for students with disabilities.
To view the LRSD Special Programs web page, click on this link
Contact Us
Division of Special Programs
810 West Markham Street
Little Rock, AR 72201
Telephone: 501-447-1033
Fax: 501-447-1044