• Virtual Instruction

    • Students will receive access to the same curriculum and special services as students attending on-site. Instruction will be accessed via Schoology and guided by an assigned LRSD teacher.
    • Students will be expected to participate in the virtual environment daily, however, will have some flexibility to best meet the needs of students and families.  Attendance will be taken daily.
    • Students​ ​will​ be allowed to participate/attend extracurricular activities and other events.
    • Students ​will​ ​maintain their seat in their assigned school. Choosing virtual instruction will not affect a student’s school placement for the following year.

    For a quick parent introduction to Schoology, See below: https://youtu.be/88b0Zcy-Mjw.


    LRSD will also provide a demonstration module for parents to log in to get a better idea of how the instructional program works, soon.