- Little Rock School District
- Transportation - LRSD
Welcome to Transportation LRSD
The LRSD Transportation Department is responsible for transporting students requiring special accomodations such as wheeelchairs, assistance getting on and off the bus, and students with behavioral issues.The ever-expanding role of the Transportation Department involves the movement of students over 728 square miles. The movement allows students an opportunity to participate in a variety of programs that are an integral part of Pulaski County's three school districts' desegregation plans.
First Student & LRSD Special Needs Transportation are separate entities:
First Student Dispatch – (501) 447-4130
LRSD Special Needs Dispatch – (501) 447-7553
Transportation Service Parameters
Transportation services shall be provided to eligible students to and from their assigned bus stop and school. Bus stops shall be determined by the Transportation Department and assigned based on the proximity from a student’s residential address. Eligible students include those living within their school’s attendance zone, but outside the two mile walk zone for secondary students and one mile walk zone for elementary students. Updated route sheets are sent to the school whenever a new stop is added; removed for non-utilization, times adjusted or any changes that are made to a route. The school is responsible for communicating any route change to students and parents. The waiting period for a new bus stop to be implemented is up to 10 business days; this applies to new student(s) registering in the LRSD. Parents should check with the Transportation Coordinator at your child’s school to find out the location of their bus stop, pickup time, and route number.
Bus Passes & Stop Requests – First Student
Bus passes are issued at the discretion of the school’s transportation coordinator; they can only be issued for existing stops. If you experience a safety issue with a bus stop, the Transportation Coordinator at the student’s assigned school will have a Request for Safety Stop form available for the parent to complete and return. An Administrative Transportation Review Committee composed of LRSD and First Student personnel will investigate and review the request within 30 business days of receipt of the request. A written approval or denial will be mailed to the parent and a copy sent to the school.
Routing Issues: Contact the Routing Department at First Student – (501) 447-4130
Little Rock School District Special Needs Accommodation Transportation
LRSD transports a diverse group of students with an array of needs. Home bus stops for students with special accommodations must be described in detail and approved by the student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) team and the Special Programs Department (501-447-1033).
When you change residence, you MUST process a change of address through the LR Student Registration Office (SRO) located at 501 Sherman St (501-447-2950). Once the change has been processed by SRO; contact Special Programs at 501-447-1033 so they can send the updated information to the Transportation Department. Before any changes can take place for a student needing specialized transportation, information has to be received from the Special Programs Department.
Student Supervision When Bus Returns Home
Most Special Needs Accommodation students who ride a bus require adult supervision at home. The parent or legal guardian is responsible for completing a form provided by the LRSD Transportation Department indicating if a child may be left without supervision at the request of the parent or guardian. Many problems can occur when a special needs student requiring supervision is brought home in the afternoon and no one is there to accept the student. When a parent, guardian, or other caretaker is not present, the driver will receive authorization to transport the student to a designated location until someone can be contacted.
Elementary schools dismiss between 2:55pm, Middle and High schools dismiss between 4:00pm. Someone should be available to receive students at home by the time school is dismissed. Running errands at the last minute can cause you to miss your student’s return home. If you have an emergency and can’t be home, call the school and/or the transportation department immediately to make arrangements. If you feel your student is lost or missing, take the following steps:
- Check your home thoroughly – most students are found in the home or in the neighborhood
- Contact your child’s school – someone will coordinate with the Transportation Dept.
- Contact transportation if you can’t reach someone at the school
- LRSD Special Needs 501-447-7553
- First Student – 501-447-4130
- Contact LRSD Safety & Security – 501-447-2075
- Contact LRPD – 911
NOTE: Someone should remain at the residence in case the student returns home.
Contact Us
Director: Theresa Kirklin
1001 East 21st Street
Little Rock, AR 72202
Telephone: 501-447-7550
Fax: 501-447-7563
Phone: 501-447-7550
Fax: 501-447-7563FIRST STUDENT
Phone: 501-447-4130
Fax: 501-447-4131Kenneth Hobbs, Liaison to First Student: 501-447-4142