The Focus of K-12 LRSD Science 2019-20

  • lrsd logo The LRSD Science Department has identified the following focus areas for the 2019-20 school year for teachers and students. The goal of the science department is to improve teacher science content knowledge, classroom management, pedagogy and assessment through inquiry and phenomena based science by focusing on the following areas...

    1. Breaking down and understanding the performance expectations, science and engineering practices, disciplinary core ideas and the cross cutting concepts of the Arkansas Next Generation Science Standards (ARNGSS).

    2. Developing in-depth understanding of inquiry and phenomenal based science through the use of the 5E mode and project based learningl to increase teacher pedagogy, depth of knowledge (DOK), and student engagement in science.

    3. Integrating core literacy, data collection/analysis, and investigative science phenomena through Argument Driven Inquiry (ADI). 

    4. Providing in-depth science, content pedagogy that reinforces classroom management and literacy to promote hands-on learning in the classroom. 

    To accomplish these goals, the LRSD Science Department will provide the following to teachers and schools....

    1. Providing ongoing and systematic professional development that correlates directly to the focus areas listed above and the LRSD science curriculum maps.

    2. Attending school PLC’s and grade level chair meetings to help plan for instruction and provide appropriate resources and guidance.

    3. Meeting with school leadership teams to develop individual schools plans on increasing hands-on/engaging science instruction and pedagogy.

    4. Modeling lessons for teachers that tie directly to the ARNGSS and incorporate the 5E model, ADI, literacy strategies, data collection/analysis and formative assessments. 

    5. Intergrating the core ideas and practices in science through reading, wriiting, math, computer science and other content areas. 

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