Central High trees are added to historical register

Even trees can have their fifteen minutes of fame! The Arkansas Famous and Historic Tree Program recently announced that nine trees on the grounds of Central High School have been listed as a group on the Arkansas Famous and Historic Tree Register. The nomination review committee determined that these nine trees bore silent witness to the 1957 desegregation crisis and to the courage of the nine students who integrated Central High School. The announcement was made in conjunction with the observance of the 50th anniversary of the Central High integration.

The community of nine trees includes two Cherrybark Oaks, two Eastern Redcedars, two White Oaks, a Water Oak, a Shortleaf Pine and an American Holly.

Trees included on the Arkansas Famous and Historic Tree Register must meet certain criteria and be associated with a significant person, institution or landmark in local, state or national history. The nine Central High trees were nominated as a group by Ms. Lynn Mittlestaedt Warren.

The purpose of the Arkansas Famous and Historic Tree Program is to create a greater awareness and appreciation of the state’s trees through the recognition of their historical background.