Welcome to Health Services

  • Little Rock School District

    Learn more about our School-Based Health Clinics

    Every school is assigned a professional nurse.  Parents/Guardians are urged to inform the school nurse and teacher of any known health conditions a student may have.

    Parents/Guardians are urged to keep students at home who have fever (above 100.4 degrees), vomiting, or have any symptoms of a contagious disease.  

    Students who become ill or injured at school will be given care.  If the administrator and/or health care worker deems it necessary to send a student home, the parent/guardian will be contacted before allowing the student to leave school.  It is important that every parent/guardian provides the school with working telephone numbers.

    Working parents will need to plan possible alternative care for their child if he/she becomes ill and the parent is unable to leave work.  It is in the student's best interest that when he/she is sick or significantly injured, the parent/guardian will take the student home or to the doctor.  The health room is for temporary care of students.

    All students with special healthcare needs, including chronically ill, medically fragile and technology dependent students, must have an individualized Healthcare Plan (IHP) on file at the school.  The IHP plan must be signed by the student's physician or nurse practitioner and parent/guardian.

    • Students with chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes or seizures must have an emergency "Action Plan" written and signed by the student's physician or nurse practitioner.
    • HP forms are available from the school nurse or school secretary.


    Who is the School Nurse?

    LRSD school nurses are professional, registered nurses (R.N.s) licensed to practice in accordance with current Professional Standards of School Nursing Practice, as stated by the Arkansas State Board of Nursing. Each Nurse serves as an advocate for children's health and safety within the educational setting. The district has assigned a nurse for a minimum of two days per week at the elementary schools and full-time nurses at all middle and high schools.

    To better serve the students your School Nurse has expertise in the following areas:

    • Pediatric, public health and mental health nursing with strong health promotion, assessment and referral skills
    • Education and health laws impacting children
    • Teaching strategies for the delivery of health education to students and staff 

    What Does A School Nurse Do?

    The primary role of the School Nurse is to support student learning.  The nurse accomplishes this by implementing strategies that promote student and staff health and safety.  As the health services expert, the School Nurse serves as the health professional for the school community.  Today's school nurses provide episodic care, manage chronic conditions, track communicable diseases, promote healthy behaviors, connect children with insurance and health care providers, and handle medical emergencies.  They care for students with disabilities and for those who depend on medical devices such as gastrostomy tubes, insulin pumps, and urinary catheters.  And they act as a health care safety net for all children. 

    Vaccine Clinic Information

    SW Health Unit: 8901 Dailey Drive, LR, 72209.
    Immunizations are daily between 8:00am and 4:30pm. They are not open on Saturday or Sunday.
    Phone Number: 501-565-9311
    Checkout the link above for information on our School-Based Health Clinics for vaccine information as well! 
  • Director of Health Services:
    Jacqueline McEuen

    5240 Mabelvale Pike (Geyer Springs Early Childhood)
    Little Rock, AR 72209
    Telephone: 501-447-7380
    Fax: 501-447-7381